FOOD AND HEALTH POLICIES HEALTH POLICY The health of your child is of major importance to us. Each day children wash their hands after any “messy” craft project. More importantly, they are instructed at the beginning of the school year and reminded regularly on the proper technique of washing hands with soap and rinsing and drying hands. This is done after each trip to the bathroom and prior to snack and lunch time daily. These activities are monitored by staff on a regular basis. No child will be permitted to attend school with any type of contagious illness. This is for the well being of all children. If your child is already at school, they will be sent home if symptoms of illness occur. Our procedure is to call the parent first. If you cannot be reached, we will call the emergency number you have given. Your child will be isolated until he/she is picked up. No child may remain in isolation longer than 30 minutes. A child who has been ill should not return to class until a normal temperature (without the aid of medication) is maintained and no signs of illness are observed for 24 hours. Please do not request that your child be removed from playground activities due to illness. A child too ill for playground activities should not be in school (exceptions include injuries – casts, crutches, etc). Even with continuous hand-washing and trying to keep children home when they display signs of illness – it is still important to regularly clean/sanitize toys, equipment, and facilities. In most cases Little Saints adheres to recommendations as outlined by NAEYC (the National Association for Educating Youth and Children). This organization has the most stringent standards when it comes to establishing accreditation for programs. Our staff believes that cleanliness is so important that we are adapting these standards at Little Saints. FIRST AID will be rendered by the teacher or director for MINOR cuts, scrapes, or injuries. By law, no medication or ointment may be applied to a child. Therefore, any injury needing more than a cool cloth, a band-aid, or a kiss will result in a call to the parent. If emergency care is required, 911 will be called and your child will be transported to the closest hospital. MEDICATION DISBURSEMENT POLICY No medication or medical procedures may be dispensed or administered by any staff member – nor should it be sent to school with your child. Therefore, if a child requires medication or medical attention during school or extended care, a parent must discuss this with their teacher. The only exception to this policy is related to emergency shots for children with extreme allergies, such as peanuts. As such, parents should be aware that we will take utmost care in keeping peanut related items away from children but also know that this is a multi-use space. ALLERGY FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT Little Saints has established the following protocol to ensure that we provide an environment that will allow children with allergies to attend our school in as safe a way as possible. These guidelines will be presented to all parents who identify their child as having an allergy – prior to enrollment. As well, both the parent and teacher/director will sign a procedural agreement to ensure that all parties understand what has been established. • At the beginning of the school year all staff is trained on administering emergency procedures to protect an allergic child • All students who are allergic must provide a doctor's statement indicating what the allergy is and treatment order • Each parent will receive a letter to familiarize and educate them on the importance and severity of this issue along with suggestions for label reading and purchasing friendly items • No peanut snacks for anyone at LSCP (details will be given to parents at orientation) • No dairy products at snack time – if milk allergy is present (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.) • Parents of allergy students will provide own snacks but everyone still must adhere to no peanut/milk to minimize risk of cross-contamination at school • Each student will receive a post-snack hand-wipe before they leave the snack table to also minimize potential cross-contaminations • Take Lunch Bunch eating outside of the school area. - Outside of classroom means, no lunches enter school rooms and bins are placed for parents outside of school area - ASK parents to steer away from these items - but acknowledge that it may not always be possible - Tables will be placed in the Narthex each day for the 20 min +/- that it takes the children to eat. - After eating all children will wash their hands before returning to the school - again to minimize risk of cross-contamination. - LB is not guaranteed to be peanut/dairy free and for children with allergies in attendance there will be a dedicated table that is “peanut free”, only children with approved lunches will be allowed to sit at this table. |