Weekly Chapel
Each week the children attend chapel that is led by the Pastor. The Pastor creatively teaches the children the weekly Bible lesson and also leads them in song.
The children are asked to bring a weekly offering to give during chapel. Each year the chapel money is donated to a variety of different organizations - both locally and around the world. These
charities are selected by gathering input from families, staff, and the preschool board. In the past money has been given to help purchase a piece of property for a new preschool that is growing
in a small village in Costa Rica, to provide Vacation Bible School materials and supplies for children in Costa Rica, to Compassion International, and to help send children in need to local
Motor Moms and Dads
Motor Moms and Dads is a program that allows children to participate in physical activities that enhance learning success. This
program is a parent led initiative that provides children with opportunities to improve the motor skills they need to be academically successful. This program is currently offered in over
400 different elementary and preschools across Michigan and is designed for children aged 3-7.